Desde que venceu as eleiç?es do ano passado, a presidente tem feito da Granja do Torto, uma espécie de resid?ncia presidencial de campo, sua casa oficial. O Alvorada passa por pequenas reformas. Lula e a ex-primeira-dama Marisa Letícia ...
Pesquera has added a few new wines as well: Condado de Haza, el Vinculo and?an excellent value?Dehesa la Granja. Dane's Marque. While a determined Spaniard provided the platform for other Ribera winemakers to build upon, ... Their approach is slow, traditional and extremely careful, using only grapes grown on the estate. The yields are small and they use no irrigation system or artificial fertilizers. The result is a wine that is true to the region and its soil, ...
Subregions: Borba, Redondo, Portalegre, Vidigueira, Granja, Reguengos, Loura and ?vora Hectares of Vines: approximately 13500. Production in Hectoliters: about 600000. White: Roupeiro, Ant?o Vaz, Chardonnay, Rabo de Ovelha and Arinto ... Bodega Profile - Quinta da Bacalh?´a - Terras do Sado says: January 30, 2008 at 12:43 pm. [...] their estate doesn't only encompass regional Portuguese wines from Terras do Sado in D.O.C Peninsula da Set??bal. They also produce wines from ...